Wine glasses in front of a pile of grapes

How to Open A Wine Bottle Like A Pro

Contrary to popular belief, there’s no wrong way to enjoy a nice glass of wine. However, if you’ve ever needed a new corkscrew, it can quickly become overwhelming. Everyone has a different one. So how in the world are you supposed to use all these gadgets?

We’ll walk you through how to use each of them and use them like the pros. That way, there’s no big battle when it comes to opening a new bottle for all of your house guests.

There may be some variations, but overall here are three of the most common types of wine openers. And for the best tasting wine, be sure to use Taste of Purple Glassware.

Related: How to Clean Cloudy Wine Glasses

Wine glasses in front of a pile of grapes


This standard kitchen gadget is the most common style of a wine opener. Even if you don’t even remember buying one, your kitchen seems to have one anyway, magically. While this is the simplest of designs, it’s one of the more challenging designs.

There are only two parts to this gadget, the handle, and the worm, more commonly known as the screw part. 

How to Use A Corkscrew

First, take the corkscrew and twist the worm down right into the middle of the cork. You’ll want to drive it down until you can no longer see the last coil. There is where things can get tricky.

Once your corkscrew is into the cork, it’s time to remove it. The easiest way to remove it is by using your knees as leverage. Place the bottle between your legs and pull the handle of the corkscrew. You’ll want to keep stead pressure on it, don’t rip.

You also must be careful not to tear the cork. It can also be a little dangerous if you lose your grip on the bottle. This process will take quite a bit of effort. But if this is the only corkscrew you have, it will do the trick.


This thing looks like a swiss army knife. But don’t worry, it’s much easier to use than one. A waiter’s corkscrew is small enough to fit in a pocket or a handbag. While a waiter’s corkscrew looks intimidating, they are easier to use than a regular twist corkscrew

corkscrew going into a cork

There are a few different variations of the waiter’s corkscrew at all different price brackets. A few key parts you need to know about. They have a serrated knife, a screw, and a fulcrum. A fulcrum is the hinged part of the gadget

How to use a Waiter’s Corkscrew

First, you will need to take the knife part of the opener and cut the foil. It doesn’t take much, just two swipes right under the lip of the bottle. After you cut the foil, you can peel it back to expose the cork.

Pro tip: Make sure you cut the foil right under that ridge. This ensures that no bits of foil get into the wine.

Now that the cork is exposed take the coil and screw it through the middle of the cork until the entire worm is in cork.

Here’s where we get cool. With the waiter’s corkscrew at the same position, fold the fulcrum so that the top ledge is sitting on the bottle spout. Wrap your hand around the opener to keep the fulcrum in place. Lift the handle. This first pull should bring the cork out about halfway.

Readjust your hand, and the fulcrum is now in the same position but on the bottom ledge. Pull again, and your bottle of wine should be open and ready for pouring. These corkscrews are favored because the fulcrum makes removing the cork easier and with less slipping.


Wing corkscrews look like they came from another planet. That planet must be covered in wine because these corkscrews look like some medieval device. This gadget, however, makes opening a bottle of wine easier than choosing your favorite.

This device has the same parts as a twist corkscrew but with the addition of arms on the sides. They aren’t portable, but they are the easiest to use.

How to use a wing corkscrew

First, ensure that the wings of this device are down. Hold them to the sides as you center the coil above the middle of the cork. Twist the handle part at the top until the corkscrew is all the way into the cork.

As you twist the screw down, the wings will start to rise. This is the magic of wing corkscrews. Because once the wings are fully extended upwards, and the coil is firmly in the cork, push them down from both sides.

Wing corkscrew walk-through graphic

The cork most likely won’t be out just yet. If it did, fantastic, enjoy your wine. Otherwise, shimmy it out, and your wine is ready.

Trouble Shooting Difficult Corks

Sometimes even the best efforts can result in a broken cork. Even worse, an odd-shaped bottle can mess up your strategic plans. Here are some tips on dealing with those annoying moments.

Crumbling Cork: A unique two-pronged wine opener known as an Ah-So can help you open up bottles with fragile corks. The trick is to rock it back and forth while gently pulling. It will be a little awkward and take a few moments, but it keeps the cork in a single piece.

Large Bottles: While a normal-sized bottle is great, a larger one is great for sharing with friends. However, the larger corks can be challenging. Find a longer corkscrew that has five coils in it. Then follow the normal drill to get it out.

Related: How Many Glasses of Wine In A Box?

Broken Cork: Sometimes, a cork will break as you’re pulling it. If you have a waiter’s corkscrew, you’ll have a better chance at getting it out. Reinsert the coil at a 45-degree angle and slowly work it out.

Loose Cork: A loose cork can easily be pushed down into the bottle. Have a waiter’s corkscrew handy and do the same as you would if it were a broken cork.

Wax Seal: From time to time, you will run across a wax seal over a cork. If your kit didn’t come with a warmer, don’t worry, you can still drink it tonight. The best option is just to use your corkscrew as if the wax wasn’t there. A waiter’s corkscrew tends to work well for this.

Now there isn’t a bottle of wine in the world that can keep you out. Impress your friends but drink responsibly.

Does your wine taste as good as it should? Taste of Purple Glassware is crafted to make wine taste better.

Related: Wine: How to Know When You’ve Drunk Too Much

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