Girls’ night

Fun & Easy Wine Slushies Recipes for Girl's Night

For years, having a "girls' night out" has been considered the best night of the week. Even scientific studies show how time with girlfriends is good for your health

There are more than a few reasons why this time is so important. For example, it helps you form stronger bonds, deal with stress, give you the chance to unwind and relax, and helps boost your mood

If you have planned a girls' night out and you're hosting, it's time to ensure things go great. This means the right music, the best food, and drinks everyone will love

While you can go with traditional options, such as margaritas, why not try something more fun (and just in time for summer)? 

If this sounds good to you, you'll love the wine slushie recipes found here

Related: 5 Unique Wine Glasses to Add to Your Collection

White Wine Slushie 

Are you and your friends planning on relaxing outside on the patio for your girls' night? If so, nothing is better than having a chilled glass of white wine in your hand. However, you've got an extraordinary frozen cocktail when you add the wine with some ice and frozen fruit in your blender. 

While you may have heard slushies are just for kids, that's not the case with this concoction. This adult version is full of pineapple, strawberries, and your favorite white wine, making it the perfect adult treat. 

The best part about this recipe is that it is quick and easy to make. In fact, you can have it ready to go in just five minutes

The ingredients you'll need include:

  • 750-milliliter bottle of your favorite sweet white wine, chilled (Moscato or Riesling work well)
  • 2 cups frozen pineapple
  • 2 cups frozen strawberries
  • 2 cups ice cubes

For the syrup you need:

  • 1/2 cups water
  • 1/2 cups granulated sugar

Once you have your ingredients, you're ready to start mixing

The first step is to make your simple syrup by heating your water in the microwave for one minute. Once heated, add your sugar, and stir until dissolved. Set this aside to cool. 

Now you will blend one cup of your wine, two cups of strawberries, one cup of ice, and ¼ cup of your syrup. Blend on high for two minutes or until it is completely smooth. Once smooth, pour your slushie into a pitcher and rinse your blender. Repeat this process with your pineapple. 

When ready to serve, add the strawberry slushie portion to the bottom of the wine glass and then top it with the pineapple slushie. For extra fun, garnish the glass with a piece of pineapple and strawberry

Do you know what pairs great with wine (especially wine slushies)? Cheese, of course, and we have the perfect accessories for serving your cheese alongside your frozen concoction. 

Related: 5 Wine & Cheese Pairings You Need to Try ASAP

wine slushie

The Simple Slushie Solution

Are you looking for a recipe that is just as delicious as the one above but takes fewer steps? Also, do you want to preserve the original flavor of the wine rather than adding frozen fruit? If so, this simple wine slushie is probably just what you are looking for. 

For this, all you need is your favorite winered or white – and an ice cube tray

Pour your wine into the tray and put it in your freezer. Wait until it is solid, remove it from the tray, and put the cubes straight into your blender

At this point, you will blend to a slushie consistency. Once your wine is the desired consistency, simply pour in your waiting glasses and have a refreshing drink for all your friends without much work. 

It doesn't get much easier than this when it comes to wine slushies. 

Berry Wine Slushies 

You can put almost anything into your wine slushie; however, berries seem to work well. 

For a berry wine slushie, you need:

  • Frozen berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.)
  • Your favorite wine (suggested options include Rose, Prosecco, Riesling, Moscato, or Chardonnay)

A side note of this option is that all the berries you add will boost the antioxidant levels for you and your girls, which means you get to have fun, drink something delicious, and do something good for your body – it's a win-win-win!

Now that you have your ingredients (and a bit more excitement because of the health benefits), it's time to create your wine slushie. To do this, combine your frozen berries and your chosen wine in a blender. Be careful when opening the bottle! You want to keep blending until it is smooth. Once well-mixed, add ice to create the "slushie" effect. 

Remember, though; not all blenders are the same. It's good to blend with your berries and wine first, pour about half the mixture into another container, and put it to the side. Add a cup of ice cubes to your mixture that's still in the blender, and then combine until slushy. 

After you have your first slushie mix, pour it into your wine glasses and then do the same to the berries and wine mix you put to the side. 

To make sure your concoction remains cold as long as possible, be sure to serve it in chilled wine glasses

If you want to spice things up a bit more, you can add a Chambord raspberry liqueur or orange liqueur shot. 

red wine


Do you want to plan an epic girls' night? If so, creating one of the wine slushies mentioned here is a good start. 

Be sure to find out what type of berries and wine your friends love, as this will help you figure out which recipe will be a crowd-pleaser. 

Once you try one of these, you will likely want to experiment with them all

Do you want to make sure you have the perfect wine glasses for girls’ night? If so, check out our collection. You’re bound to find something you love!

Related: Buying a Case of wine [Ultimate Buyer’s Guide]

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